Once again Rotarians in Kingston have stepped up to lend a hand for this massive community effort in Kingston. Their roles will be mostly screening and ushering individuals at the site to facilitate a smooth operation. The Rotary clubs in Kingston will be helping with the mass Covid-19 vaccination clinic at the Invista Centre in Kingston’s west end. Mike Moore and Darlene Clement, two Rotarians from Kingston are discussing how the many Rotarians from all the Rotary clubs in Kingston will be helping with the mass vaccination at the Invista Centre in Kingston’s west end.
Photo by Daniel Geleyn
Kingston Frontenac Lennox & Addington Public Health Officer Dr. Kieran Moore discusses the opening of the new mass vaccination centre at the Invista Centre in western Kingston. « It is our plan that we should be able to immunize 3,000 people a day at this location, » says Moore.
Photo by Daniel Geleyn
Read more about the vaccination clinic at Rotary Club volunteers support INVISTA Centre immunization clinic (kingstonist.com)